Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Top 14 most influential sermons to me this past year in no particular order

This was really hard for me to narrow down bc I have heard so many awesome sermons in the past year:) But here they are:

1. Tullian Tchividjian at Desiring God 2010 Conference: Gospel Math-Why Jesus+Nothing=Everything

2&3. Britt Merrick: Truth Telling Without Judging (Part 1 and 2)

Truth-Telling Without Judging from Reality on Vimeo.

Truth-Telling Without Judging Part 2 from Reality on Vimeo.

4. Britt Merrick: Missio Christi: Death (The whole Missio Christi series--23 sermons total--is absolutely incredible and highly highly recommended! You can get them here)

Missio Christi | Death from Reality on Vimeo.

5. Britt Merrick right after they found out that his five year old daughter Daisy Love had cancer

When My Heart Is Overwhelmed from Reality on Vimeo.

6. Britt Merrick after finding out that Daisy's cancer had come back about a year later

Struck Down But Not Destroyed from Reality on Vimeo.

7. John Ortberg at MPPC:
Community, The Context for Change | Menlo Park Presbyterian Church

8. Paul Washer

9, 10, and 11. Zac Poonen

12. John Piper

Francis Chan: blurb from a sermon called Living Eternally

Francis Chan: blurb from a conference

13. Francis Chan: When Sin Looks more enjoyable than God

14. Francis Chan: Lukewarm and Loving it

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