Saturday, September 4, 2010

The following videos (below this post) are excerpts from an interview with NT Wright about the resurrection, heaven and hell, etc. These were an awesome reminder to me today that: 1. Jesus really raised from the dead, and that changes everything! 2. Our ultimate destination is not "heaven" or "hell" but new creation and either being with God as a fully whole human or being apart from him without his image in us anymore. 3. Our choices in this life matter a lot. 4. We have a lot of work to do with God in this broken world. It is cool he lets us take part in his redemption story, in making all things new. 5. I cannot wait to be with Christ in a real body that cannot be destroyed in the new creation where the heavenly realm has invaded this physicality as we now know it stewarding this new creation. That is going to be unimaginably awesome! Watch these short videos below!

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