I have noticed that we have a strong tendency to move away from brokenness and what the world deems ugly, unfavorable, and "un-glorious" (I don't think un-glorious is actually a word:). It struck me recently how unchecked this tendency goes in myself, even though I claim I want to become more like Jesus. Jesus did the opposite. He was drawn like a magnet to the sick, the unrighteous sinners, the people most detested in the culture like tax collectors and prostitutes, the poor, the lame, the ugly, the down and out. He crossed social boundaries and broke social rules so much so that he was delivered into the hands of the authorities to be crucified. He announced good news to these people: His Kingdom was for people like them. People who were in need of a Savior. People who had been forgiven much so that they would love much. People who were poor in spirit. People who would receive Him and His Kingdom like trusting, joyous little children.
It is sometimes easy for me to move away from brokenness in myself and others, especially in others when it rubs up against me and annoys me or negatively affects me. I want to be like Jesus in this area. I want to move towards brokenness and not be afraid of it or intimidated by it. I want to love people in their brokenness, especially the brokenness in others that I would be prone to judge, write off, or dislike. I have a glimpse in my heart of what that would be like and it is beautiful.
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